Monkey Jungle (Miami, Florida)
Last updated: April 5, 2023
As part of the trip to the Florida Keys, St. Augustine, and Dry Tortugus National Park, my mom and I stopped at Monkey Jungle on our way home. This worked out so well as we were the first group of the day and the other group they had paired us with cancelled last minute, so we had our own private tour and didn’t have to share any monkeys! This is on my list to visit again when there aren’t COVID restrictions in place, but regardless, this was really cool!

We first met an iguana and turtle and fed them breakfast. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a happier turtle with his lettuce, or an iguana who enjoyed posing for photos so much.

We spent the majority of the tour (about 45 minutes) feeding some very excited monkeys their breakfast. This video is a very good representation of what that 45 minutes looks like. Some people that have seen this video have said they would freak out and run away if this happened to them, but that didn’t even cross my mind and I was surprised that could be some peoples reaction. In this moment, I was just thinking how cool it was to have monkeys jumping on my shoulders and hanging from my arms (and how freakin’ cute they were!).

I truly love a good animal experience and this one was over the top. Our guide did everything possible to make sure we were covered in monkeys the entire time and it was apparent he loved his job and loved working with the monkeys. I give this a 10 out of 10 and highly recommend!
