
Do you ever order something and think, "Where's this thing been all my life?" Or perhaps you start a new show on Netflix and there's already six seasons sitting out there and you think, "How did I not know this existed? I must tell everyone to stop what they're doing and watch this immediately!" I'll be sharing those types of things here in addition to travel, movies, favorite places to eat, fashion, book recommendations, hiking, my dog, photography and more! I hope you enjoy!

  • Is it Really “Just a Dog”?

    When I hear someone say, “It’s just a dog”, I wonder if they know God’s position on animals or if they’ve ever experienced the love of a dog or any other animal. I can assure you they are not “just” animals… They are comforters, friends, comedians and overall contribute to giving their owners a better life than they would have had without them. Come join my Ted Talk on why dogs aren’t just dogs.

  • Grieving The Loss of a Pet

    It has taken me almost two months to accept that my furry best friend of 13 years is gone. Losing Buddy is by far the worst grieving I’ve ever experienced and I hope this post offers some comfort for those experiencing the loss of a four-legged family member.

  • My Latest Obsession: Silicone Everything

    Did you know your loofah is infested with bacteria and germs? I ditched my loofah this week for a silicone alternative and couldn’t be happier! I then went on a replacement journey for other items in my home and now I’m a bona fide silicone fan! Check out these silicone options for a cleaner home.

  • Favorite Amazon Purchases: Beauty Edition

    Check out these 25 beauty items for either yourself or as a Christmas gift. There’s several gifts under $10 that would make excellent stocking stuffers and some that would make great stand-alone gifts. Enjoy these tried and true products!

  • Favorite Amazon Purchases: Random Edition

    I may have an Amazon addiction! Check out some of my favorite Amazon purchases I’ve made over the last few years. These purchases have no theme… I literally went through my order page and grabbed the first 25 items that made me think, “Oh, I really love this!”. Enjoy getting to know my shopping taste! I hope I introduce something to you that you just can’t live without. 😁

  • Fur Mama Favorites

    This is for all you fur moms and dads out there. You'll find harnesses, double retractable leashes, wall mounted pet dishes, the cutest pet blankets and toy bins, as well as adorable food and snack containers. Enjoy!