Is Microblading Worth It?

Last updated: April 14, 2023


Have you considered microblading? Not sure if you should because you don’t know anyone that’s done it? Well, search no more because I’m here for you. I’ll tell you about my experience and outcome but first let’s talk about what it is exactly and why you’d want to do it.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of tattooing (semi tattooing); however, unlike a regular tattoo, microblading is a form of tattoo where pigment is implanted under your skin with a manual handheld tool instead of a tattoo gun. The handheld tool is like a small, disposable blade. Hair-like strokes are drawn with the tool to mimic natural hairs in your brows. Microblading will create fine lines, where tattooing is much more invasive.

Why Microblading?

If you’re anything like me, you over plucked your eyebrows as a teen and had a very thin lines as excuses for eyebrows. If you’re looking for your thin eyebrows to look fuller, have a more defined arch, feather out or maybe even rock them straight and bold, microblading could be for you. Since eyebrows are one of the most important facial features, it’s no surprise that microblading is a common procedure amongst women. It’s ideal for reconstructing, defining, covering gaps and filling-in over plucked eyebrows. It offers a fast, effective and convenient way to keep your brows in shape for an extended period of time (between 12-18 months). It’s low maintenance, zero downtime and customizable. Those are pretty good reasons to want to move forward with the procedure. I researched for about nine months before getting it done, so if you’re reading this teetering one way and then the other, I have been there! Read on, sister!

What to Expect

When I arrived, I signed a waiver and let me tell you, I read every word, but it was mostly a formality and there was even a part about how the esthetician was properly certified. Once that was finished, my eyebrows were drawn on with lines made by strings/threads and a measuring tool. I had complete say over everything; the boldness, the arch, the length and even the color. Once I was satisfied, the microblading began. Now we are getting to the big question I know you’re asking:

Does it Hurt?

I have a very low tolerance for pain. I breath like I’m in labor when I get my blood drawn. I do not, I repeat; DO NOT like needles or the breaking of my skin in any way, shape or form. In my experience the answer is yes and no. Lidocaine was spread on my skin and left there for about 20 minutes to numb the area before my procedure started. Let me tell you, that did not help the first bypass of the blades very much. The strokes were painful for the first pass which lasted about five to ten minutes. Once the first pass is done, I had very small cuts and more lidocaine was applied. This is where it all gets better because before, it was just on top of my skin. Now, the lidocaine is in the small cuts and you really get numb. There are more passes of the blade after that and she really took her time with making small, details hair strokes after that, but I honestly felt nothing because I was so numb. The whole procedure took about an hour.

Recovery Time

Recovery time was nothing. My eyebrows burned a little as they lost the numbness, but I was driving and let the air conditioner blow on them and that helped a lot. Over the next few days I applied an ointment that reminded me of Neosporin that was given to me as part of my care package but honestly, by day 2 I was completely recovered and had gorgeous brows. I’ve gone back twice in two years so mine last about 12 months before they start fading and need a refresher.

How Much?

Now I know the next question you’re asking. How much does it cost? Mine was $350 and included a touch up. I felt this was reasonable and from the results I would gladly pay it again. I really like the outcome and am really pleased with how low maintenance my brows are and how great they look all the time. So was microblading worth it? For me the answer is a strong YES. I highly recommend getting it done if you’re on the fence. I’ve posted my before and after photos below so you can see what a glow up this was for me!

A big shout out to Lulu Salon Microblading for taking such good care of me. If you’re in the Knoxville, TN area, Lulu’s your girl!

Let me know if you have any questions about the experience. I’m happy to give information that might help you decide!


  • Alicia Arango

    Your brows look so pretty! I’ve been thinking about doing this for awhile, and you may have just convinced me. Thanks for the info!

    • Jessica

      I’m so happy with the results! If you’re still in the Athens area, I really do recommend Lulu, but if not I’d recommend reviewing before and after photos of their work before you commit. I’m so happy to have possibly swayed you! 😀 You’ll have to let me know if you get them done… I want to see!

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