Last updated: March 18, 2024


I love that I was able to take nine days and explore New England. While that’s definitely not enough time to thoroughly visit Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, it was enough time to get just a taste to know I want to go back!

The only image that comes to mind when I think about Vermont is ski lodges and snow, however, I was prompted to find out more after my visit:

  • The only state in New England that does not border the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Sixth smallest state by size.
  • Second least populated (643k peeps) trailing only after Wyoming.
  • Least populated state capitol (Montpelier)
  • Beverage is milk
  • Food is apple pie

Spending the day in Vermont started with breakfast at a local restaurant and ended with me checking off the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park off my list.

Marsh-Billings-Rockafeller National Historical Park (Woodstock, VT)

Opened in June 1998, Vermont’s first national park preserves and interprets the historic Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller property. The Park is named for George Perkins Marsh, one of the nation’s first global environmental thinkers, who grew up on the property, and for Frederick Billings, an early conservationist who established a progressive dairy farm and professionally managed forest on the former Marsh farm. The name honors Billings and the other owners of the property: Mary Montagu Billings French, Laurance Rockefeller, and Mary French Rockefeller. The Rockefellers transferred the property to the federal government in 1992 and is now open to the public to enjoy. I was extremely impressed with the garden!

The Skinny Pancake (Quechee, VT)

I don’t know how skinny I felt after leaving, but I still think about my jam filled pancakes! Kris, of course, opted for the burger. If you’re ever in the area, I recommend stopping in at The Skinny Pancake for some breakfast or brunch!

While there are many other things to do while visiting Vermont, we were only there for one day and could only squeeze in these two places before heading off to New Hampshire to continue out New England adventure.

I’d love to hear your wishlist for Vermont below!


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