Trinity City Park

Last updated: August 21, 2023


I want to highlight a local hidden gem: Trinity City Park! Honestly, I don’t think I would have ever known about it unless I lived here. Kris stumbled upon it while driving and told me about it. When I tried to look it up, there was no online presence. The city website’s Parks & Recreation page doesn’t provide a listing of the parks… it’s very unclear and rarely updated which is weird. I even emailed them asking about the park a few weeks ago and never heard back.

At any rate, the park is pretty much deserted when I go in the mornings and I’ve never seen another person on the walking trail, so l suppose I’m not too mad about the lack of advertisement as I prefer having it all to myself (selfish, I know). The absolute best thing about this park is that it’s only a FOUR MINUTE DRIVE from my house!

I don’t have any online facts to share, but what I’ve gleaned from visiting is that there’s a 1.3 walking trail that loops around a ball field, with a smaller loop going around a soccer field, and an outdoor gym. The first time I visited was during the evening in the midst of a kids baseball (softball?) game. While there was no one on the trail and the ball field was plenty far away, I prefer to walk in quiet without the shouts and cheers in the background so I changed my time to go in the mornings to ensure peacefulness. The good news of going during the evening is that I got some pretty sunset photos at least!

Along with the seclusion, what surprised me about this park was how pretty it was! Now, it’s not Morgan-Wilson-walk-around-a-lake-at-sunset pretty, but it’s a different kind of beauty that I really appreciated! Given the short drive from my house and the seclusion, it’s definitely my park of choice!

I am so happy to have many different walking trail options within such a short distance. Do you have a local park that you love?


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